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Tatiana Podhajny's Projects Portfolio

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Lumerical FDTD Analysis


Studied anti-reflection coatings by running simulations on a thin film silicon photocell using the Finite Difference Time Domain.

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PLGA Nanospheres Lab


Studied drug release properties of PLGA nanoparticles loaded with MB and investigated the change in size as a function of applied energy.

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Molecular Dynamics Simulation


Used Molecular Dynamics Simulations to obtain the vapor pressure of methanol at various temperatures in a team of 5.


Rattan Rodin Coil


This is a rattan lamp inspired by the Tesla Rodin coil using cane webbing instead of wire. 


EarBud Crib

08/10/18 - 08/29/18

The EarBud Crib is designed to avoid the entanglement of your headphones in an aesthetic way. 

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La Maisonette

08/1/18 - 08/11/18

La Maisonette is a solar-powered birdhouse painted with an impressionistic style.

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Literature Review Atomic Force Microscopy


This report discusses the application of atomic force microscopy (AFM) for atomic-scale manipulation to both image and create unique nanostructure arrangements.

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Literature Review

Nanoimprint Lithography


This literature review discusses the application of NIL for highly sensitive biosensor fabrication for early detection of disease

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Photo Lithography explained 


In this video, I talk about one method of fabricating materials - photolithography. How it works and why it's useful.

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CNT Research Paper

05/2/19 - 06/10/19

This research paper discusses in depth the key characteristics of CNT's that override their toxic consequences.


Solar Cell Research Paper

03/20/19 - 03/31/19

This research paper highlights the main focus points for attaining high power from the sun to provide enough energy to power multiple sensor devices and still be user-friendly. 

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Lab Report


Uploaded is one of my lab reports from my general chemistry laboratory class as an example of my laboratory skills, Word and Excel skills.

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